
The Translational Developmental Neuroscience Lab of the department of Psychosocial Medicine and Developmental Neuroscience in the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus is always looking for young, competent students to support our team. There are plenty of possibilities for Student Assistants, Medicine graduate Students and interns. If you are studying psychology, medicine, informatics, physics or mathematics, and you are interested in neuroscience, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for current available positions or send us your application (cover letter, CV with marks, if possible recommendation letters) per email to  

Please also have a look here.

We are looking for a Research Associate / PhD Student (f/m/x) in a part time position. This PhD position will start September 1th 2024 or later, at least for an initial period of up to three years, with potential extension opportunities. 


We offer:

Disabled persons with equal qualification will be preferred.

We kindly ask you to apply preferably via our online form to make the selection process faster and more effective. Of course, we also consider your written application without any disadvantages. 

We are looking forward to receiving your comprehensive application in one PDF until June 30th, 2024 online with registration number PSM0924501. For further information, please contact Prof. Stefan Ehrlich via e-mail: or by phone 0351 458-4099.


We are looking for a Research Associate / PhD Student (f/m/x) in a part time position. This PhD position will commence as soon as possible for an initial period of up to three years, with potential extension opportunities.  


We offer:

Disabled persons with equal qualification will be preferred.

We kindly ask you to apply preferably via our online form to make the selection process faster and more effective. Of course, we also consider your written application without any disadvantages. 

We are looking forward to receiving your comprehensive application in one PDF until June 30th, 2024 online with registration number PSM0924431. For further information, please contact Prof. Stefan Ehrlich via e-mail: or by phone 0351 458-4099.


Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht!

Folgende Tätigkeiten erwarten Dich:  

• Unterstützung bei der Büroorganisation, Dienstreisemanagement, Abrechnungsvorbereitung und Onboarding Prozesse 

• Unterstützung bei der Organisation, Durchführung und Dokumentation von Beratungen, Terminkoordination Patientenmanagement 

• Aktualisierung und Betreuung diverser Websites


• immatrikulierte*r Student*in an der TU Dresden, mindestens im 2. Semester 

• Freude an der Koordination und Organisation von kleinen Projekten 

• sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift 

• selbstständige, strukturierte und sorgfältige Arbeitsweise, gute Teamarbeit 

• sicherer Umgang mit Microsoft Office 

• engagiert und bereit, in einem dynamischen und internationalen Umfeld zu arbeiten 

Wöchentliche Arbeitszeit: 5 - 10 h/Wo (nach Vereinbarung) 

Stellenbeginn: Juli 2024 

Wir haben Dein Interesse geweckt?
Dann melde Dich bitte bei uns per E-Mail:

Kennziffer: PSM1124377

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! 


Data Scientist wanted! - Student Job (SHK/WHK)

We are currently looking for a python-programmer to strengthen our IT team in the department of Psychosocial Medicine and Developmental Neuroscience in the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus. 

Please also have a look here.