Dr. Esther Walton

Contact Information

E-Mail:  E.Walton@bath.ac.uk 

Research Statement

I am interested in the genetics of psychiatric disorders and their neuroimaging phenotypes. In particular, I research the cumulative risk for schizophrenia by investigating brain-based correlates such as DLPFC dysfunction and reduced cortical thickness. Furthermore, I started investigating epigenetic profiles of schizophrenia patients. 

Scientific Education

Ph.D. , TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

MSc. Medical Neurosciences, Charité University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Germany

2007 - 2008  
Advanced Statistical Design, Open University, England

Psychology (Bachelor), University College Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands


Professional Experience

Jan 2019-present
Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, University of Bath , Bath (UK)

Sep 2016-present
Senior Research Associate , School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol , Bristol (UK)

Sep 2015-Sep 2016
Postdoctoral Fellow,  Department of Psychology, Georgia State University,  Atlanta (USA)

Aug 2014-Jul 2015
PostDoc Position , Department of Psychology, King's College London, London (UK)

Jan 2012–Feb 2012
The Mind Research Network, Vince Calhoun, Albuquerque (USA)

Sep 2010
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Vesna Boraska, Cambridge (UK)

Mar 2010–Aug 2010
Massachusetts General Hospital, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Randy Gollub, Boston (USA)



Other Scientific Activities, Honors, Awards

Fellowship: Leadership academy; German Scholars Association

Postdoctoral Fellowship (DFG)

2011 - 2014        
three-year doctoral scholarship, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation

Conference Scholarship for the FallingWalls Lab conference, AT Kearney

six-month scholarship to conduct a Master thesis in the US, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2009 – 2010             
two-year predoctoral scholarship, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation